
DaisyPixels’ Terms Of Use

Hello beautiful people, these are some terms you have to follow if you want to use my clothes:

  • Please DON’T claim my creations as yours.
  • Please DON’T reupload my creations.
  • Please DON’T convert to other games without asking me first.
  • Please DON’T use part of my meshes or textures to make different stuff and claim them as yours.

Basically, don’t take my things, modify them, upload them to other sites or claim them as yours.
Now some things I recommend to you:
  • Please share your pictures with me (I love to see them 🥰).
  • Please tag me in your pics/videos/lookbooks I love to see what you do with the things I create!
  • Please suggest clothes/accessories you would like in-game.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any doubt, English is not my first language so you’ll probably (more like surely) find mistakes here!
  • Please chat with me! I have:


Copyright © Daisy Pixels. Designed by OddThemes and Seotray